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updated: 12/5/98 |
St. Clare's, Oxford Academic
Resources Centre
Assistant Librarian
Job description
The Academic Resources Centre (ARC) opened
informally in February 1995 and was officially opened in May that year
by Baroness Brigstocke. The Centre is housed in a large Edwardian
property previously used for teaching and was totally refurbished to a
very high standard at a cost of £650K. The building, now named
Anne Dreydel House after one of the College's co-founding principals,
brings together all the main academic resources under one roof. These
include a book collection of around 35,000 volumes, which cover
general titles and specialised collections relating to the College's
teaching subjects; many Humanities and Science periodicals and foreign
and English language newspapers; audio and video cassettes; and an
expanding collection of CD-ROMs. The Centre provides working space for
over 80 readers, an audio-visual centre, satellite TV, video edit
suite, bookshop, photocopier and a staff workroom. A self-access
centre for language learners is in the process of development,
facilitating independent use by students of the language laboratory
and other resources.
The computer teaching room is also part of the
Centre, and two rooms also double both as classrooms and reading
rooms. Networked computers are provided for general student use in the
Centre. Internet and email access are also provided. Such is the
demand on IT resources, that casual Internet use and student email
facilities will soon be relocated to another area of the College.
The Centre has a lift and disabled access to most
parts. Student usage has almost doubled in comparison with the former
library and generally feedback from all users of the new Centre is
very favourable. However, even in the comparatively short time since
the Centre was designed, usage has changed considerably, and will no
doubt continue to do so. The most obvious and significant trend is
towards making greater use of the Internet rather than printed
sources, and general use of computers for working. We are committed to
improving continuously our ICT facilities for student use. The needs
of the developing self-access centre are also being addressed.
The ARC is open seven days a week during the
academic year and on weekdays during summer courses. It is manned at
all times it is open. The Academic Resources Centre Manager is
currently assisted by one full-time assistant (who is also
audio-visual technician) and four part-time staff. A staffing review
has recently been undertaken, and we shall be attempting to implement
the recommendations to increase the overall staffing level to ensure
that two people are on duty during all times the Centre is open.
This post is to provide a deputy to the ARC
Manager. ICT resources are the focus of the current phase of
development, and likely to be so indefinitely. The ALICE library
software system is used for the catalogue. As indicated above,
provision of workstations, CD-ROMs and Internet use and access are all
on the increase.
In making this appointment, we are therefore
looking for someone with knowledge and experience of computerised
library systems, particularly ALICE, and a lively, committed and
developing interest in computers and ICT.
Principal duties 1.
Assisting the ARC Manager in running the Centre, including
- Assisting at the issue desk (The
issue desk is the hub of the ARC, from which all services are
provided. Duties will include a wide range of library housekeeping
tasks, many of which are automated, eg cataloguing, classifying,
issues and returns)
- Shelving
- Issue of keys, remote controls, fax cards,
floppy disks etc.
- Control of newspapers and magazines
- Assisting in the running of the student
2. Deputising for the ARC Manager
3. Oversight of the ARC computers (hard and
software), IT and photocopiers. Essentially keeping computers and
photocopiers up and running in conjunction with the ICT Co-ordinator,
and other staff as appropriate.
- preventive maintenance
- basic repairs/problem solving/trouble shooting
- arranging maintenance to be undertaken by
outside contractors, when necessary
- minimising downtime of all IT hard and software
- setting up machines and devising systems for
appropriate use
- devising appropriate administrative procedures
to ensure efficient IT operations.
4. Assisting staff and students in the use of the
Centre's computers
- Promoting use of IT facilities
- Training staff and students in use of IT
- Keeping up to date on IT developments relevant
to the Resources Centre and making proposals for changes,
improvement and development to College IT facilities in the Centre.
5. Assisting with supervision of cataloguing and
classification projects.
6. Other duties as designated by the ARC Manager,
including standing in for the audio- visual technician on occasions.
The job description will be subject to fine tuning
within the first few months of appointment.
Terms and conditions
- Starting salary will be determined according to
qualifications and previous experience within the range £12,000
- £14,000. On appointment the salary will be linked to an
existing St Clare's scale, with annual increments (subject to
satisfactory performance) and annual cost of living increases. The
St. Clare's Scales are related to similar national scales.
- Contributory pension (Employer pays up to 10%
of salary, employee up to 5%. Employer's contribution double that of
- Although the post is permanent, the first year
is probationary.
- Free lunches during the academic year and major
summer courses.
- Hours of work. 35 hours per week. These will be
by agreement, but will include some work after 5.30pm and at
weekends, (regularly or by rota) to ensure staffing of the Centre
throughout its opening hours.
Person specifications
- Experience in library work
- Interest and experience in information
technology, and particularly computerised library systems
- Ability to demonstrate and teach technical and
practical skills effectively and enthusiastically to a wide variety
of new and existing users.
The following are desirable:
- Qualification in librarianship
- Experience of school/college libraries and the
needs of student users in the 16-25 age group
- Languages other than English (always helpful in
an international environment)
Please apply by letter, with cv to
Boyd Roberts
St. Clare's, Oxford
139 Banbury Road
Fax: 01865 - 310002
Closing date for applications:30 May 1998
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