Clare's, Oxford
is an non-profit
making charity
based in Oxford
St Clare's, Oxford
139 Banbury Road,
Oxford OX2 7AL, UK
44 (0)1865 552031
44 (0)1865 513359
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in English Language Teaching to Adults RSA/UCLES DELTA (This course
replaces the existing DTEFLA award)
- 14 June - 11
September 1998 - no need to take time off unpaid!
- Earn up to the
price of the course by doing extra paid teaching
- Expert tuition by
Madeleine du Vivier and Carole Robinson
- One weeks
free accommodation at the start of course
- Excellent teaching
facilities available at St. Clares
Teacher Refresher
- Two or three week
courses between April and August (21 hours per
- Refresh your
English while developing your teaching skills
- Tuition in
Language Study, Teaching Methodology and options
in Language Through LearningTM
- Suitable for
non-native English speaker Primary and Secondary
School Teachers of EFL
- Trainees on this
course may be eligible for funding from the
European Union funding through the Lingua
programme. St. Clares can help you with
this application
- Two or three week
courses (21 hours per week)
- Update your skills
and refine your current teaching practice
- Designed for
experienced teachers looking for new ideas and
less experienced teachers wishing to develop
further skills
- Suitable for
non-native English speaker Primary and Secondary
School Teachers of EFL with a high standard of
- Trainees on this
course may be eligible for funding from the
European Union funding through the Lingua
programme. St. Clares can help you with
this application
Language Through
- One week course 27
June - 4 July 1998 or 4 - 11 July 1998 (21 hours
per week)
- The first course
from St. Clares Language Through
LearningTM project
- Designed to help
you teach non-language subjects (eg Geography,
Chemistry, Art) in English to native and
non-native speakers of English
- Offers a
theoretical background to language structure and
language learning and acquisition
- Includes lots of
practical tips and ideas you can use in the
classroom tomorrow
- Trainees on this
course may be eligible for funding from the
European Union funding through the Lingua
programme. St. Clares can help you with
this application
Primary Conversion
- Two week courses
between April and August 1998
- Designed for
teachers with experience of teaching adults who
want to work with primary age children
- Led by Wendy
Superfine, assisted by other experienced
teacher trainers
- Trainees on this
course may be eligible for funding from the
European Union funding through the Lingua
programme. St. Clares can help you with
this application
Back to list of St.Clare's Courses