Before St

Philippe Durant [above,
top left], French teacher at St Clare's,
Oxford taught at the International School of Moshi in Tanzania. While
there, he was involved in the Creativity Activity Service (CAS), that promotes
the improving of the skills and social life of International Baccalaureate (IB)
students in many different aspects. He helped many local primary schools. He
also organized various sport events which included Tanzanian public schools
and had the chance to visit some of them.
In the following years, Philippe moved to Universal
American School of Kuwait and decided that he was to help a school he
new well. Karanga school in Moshi. A group of students worked hard and raised
$14,000 which was sent to the school. New structures have since been built at
Karanga Primary School.
When he arrived at St Clare's, Oxford Philippe
decided to find new ways to help the education sector in Moshi. The IB CAS
programme at St Clare's, Oxford has been established for many
years, but has lacked larger dimension projects. A group of 13 first year IB
students [above picture]
joined Philippe to raise money for yet another Tanzanian School. And hopefully,
out of our own means, travel to Moshi and work at the targeted establishment.
Part One of the project was to initialize contact with the
International School of Moshi and find a school in need of aid. Keiron White
[deputy principal] and Josiah Mchome [CAS coordinator], are our
permanent contacts and support on location. They have looked at the best
option for us and suggested that we help KIBORILONI SCHOOL. Pictures
of the School and descriptive notes of the urgent requirements have been sent
to us by post.
The second part of the project is for the St Clare's
Tanzanian Education Project Group to find ways and means of raising money for
that school.
The students and their supervisor, when the aimed
amount has been reached, are to travel to Moshi to meet the staff and
pupils, work with them, share part of their life in the beautiful region of
Moshi and donate the substantial amount in order to help the school improve
its basic facilities.