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1953-2003 - 50 Years of Promoting International Education & Understanding

The College is inspected and accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education (pre-university and university level courses) and the British Council (for English language teaching). The following are summaries of recent inspectors reports.

British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education
Inspection Summary:
"St. Clare's, Oxford was first accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education in 1987. It was most recently re-inspected in January 2002.

BAC's inspectors reported on a very good or excellent standard of provision in all of the areas assessed during the inspection. The range of academic facilities, including those for the creative arts, was impressive, and the College's study and academic resources centre was outstanding. Classes were delivered with considerable expertise, and students responded actively to the intellectual stimulus provided by their teachers. The College provided excellent opportunities for students to experience the academic and cultural life of Oxford. Residential accommodation was conveniently located and of a good standard, and the pastoral support provided was extremely thorough. The College was well managed, and the administration combined a friendly welcome with an efficient service. Examination results were consistently very good.

St. Clare's, Oxford was awarded continuing accreditation in March 2002".

British Council
"The British Council inspected and accredited St. Clare's, Oxford in May 2001. This large private mainly residential college offers courses in general, academic and professional English for adults (18+) and teenagers (16+), and vacation courses for adults, young adults and juniors (10-16). Points of excellence were noted in general and academic management, academic resources, premises and welfare".

Note: This represents points of excellence under all five headings used by the British Council English in Britain Accreditation Scheme: General Management, Premises, Academic Resources, Academic Management and Welfare.