students about to enter the IB Diploma Programme in September 2003
or January 2004
Some students
will attend Course
1 and Course 2, OR will attend Course 3. However, many students
will want to attend all three courses, and we are pleased to be
able to offer a special study weekend to bridge between course 2
and 3. This weekend is specially designed to enable you to use the
extensive study facilities to continue your revision and other work,
whilst giving you more free time to make the most of being in Oxford
as well.
Study Weekend
Thursday 17th
April in the evening through to Monday 21st April in the morning.
- Access to
the St. Clare's, Oxford Academic Resources Centre, including study
centre, IT centre, fully resourced library
- Access to
a range of different study rooms
- Special Study
Skills workshop on the Thursday afternoon, with a targeted focus
on planning your time and on managing your revision planning
- A selection
of evening social activities
- Full board
accommodation in a St. Clare's, Oxford student residence
The purpose
of the Study Weekend is to give you time to develop the habits and
self-discipline which will help you to continue to prepare for the
IB Diploma examinations even after you have left St. Clare's, Oxford.
Many students find the intensive atmosphere a great help in developing
their own study patterns.
When everyone
around you is working hard for the same purpose, it is often easier
to find the right mental attitude to commit yourself to your own
work. Whether you like to work in the same room as others, or to
find your own private space, you will find the right environment
to suit your own learning styles and frame of mind. Beyond creating
revision timetables, this is about actually following through and
really getting stuck into the work which is going to make the difference
for you personally.
There will be
a social activity programme, but only after dinner, and after you
have had a chance to fit in some extra private study. A bit of fun,
a break from your study, and the chance to let off steam is important
in the evening, to make sure that you will have a good night's sleep
- and be ready to start again in the morning! Please note that during
the Study Weekend, curfew is still 23h00, as for the rest of the
IB Easter Institute.
Review Programme Details
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