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Alumni Reunion Years 1953-1983


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1953-2003 - 50 Years of Promoting International Education & Understanding

Ninety Alumni, Staff, former Staff and Guests gathered together on 31 May 2003 for a 50th Anniversary Reunion. Miss Anne Dreydel, co-founder and former Principal of the College, was the Guest of Honour and many other long-serving staff including, Bill and Eileen Enoch. David Ripley and Julita Edwards also attended. The evening started in New Place, 131 Banbury Road, where guests enjoyed the evening sunshine whilst sipping champagne and cocktails. Boyd Roberts welcomed guests in an opening speech before the dinner and outlined the progress the College has made in the last fifty years and its plans for the future. James Whitworth, who graduated from the International Baccalaureate, played the piano during the four-course meal.

After dinner, Miss Dreydel gave a wonderful speech during which she talked of her memories of the early years of St. Clare's. This was followed by short speeches from five alumni. Nikita Lobanov (1954) started the speeches and remembered how his time learning English and A-Levels at St. Clare's had led to him being accepted at Oxford University. Mercedes Palau-Ribes O'Challaghan (1964-1967) spoke next. She came to the Reunion with her sister, Ana who also studied at St. Clare's and she spoke warmly of her memories of Miss Dreydel. Mercedes and Ana presented Miss Dreydel with a book on Italian Architecture. Elizabeth (nee Gough Cooper) Roberts (London External Degree 1965) spoke next and had everyone laughing with her memories of St. Clare's being the place where, amongst other things, she learned how to 'iron her hair'. The most recent alumnus to speak was Phil Sabbe (English Course 1975) who mentioned many of the teachers whom he remembered. The final speaker was Ulf Bennetter (1956-1957), one of our more active alumni, who concluded the amusing memories of his time at St. Clare's by toasting the College and Miss Dreydel. Miss Dredeyl was also presented with a wonderful book filled with photographs and souvenirs by Claudie Leclerq (1970) and a bouquet of flowers from the College.

The Dinner was a wonderful event and the alumni present spanned three decades, many nationalities and represented all courses: the London External Degree, A-Levels, English courses, Liberal Arts and the International Baccalaureate. What was very clear at the end of the celebrations was the warmth felt by all who attended towards St. Clare's, and the desire to hold more Alumni Reunions in the future.

It was wonderful to come back and find St. Clare's still thriving and expanding. It was also great to see Miss Dreydel and listen to her excellent speech. It was very interesting to meet other alumni and listen to their experiences. Claire (Cawthra) Mollart, 1972-1974

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