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Pamela Morris died,
at the age of 95, within a few weeks of her 96th birthday. She
was a wonderful colleague and a close friend from the year we met in 1953
when we started the small venture that was to become St. Clare's. There
will be a proper appreciation of her remarkable life in a later newsletter.
Now is just the time to record her funeral in the packed Shilton village
church close to the house where she and her husband John - St. Clare's
first and long-standing Bursar - lived for many years.
Her descendants, spanning
an age-range of seventy years, filled rows and rows of pews, with a grand-daughter
and great-grandchildren to perform the music, and tributes paid by members
of her big family who meant so much to her, and to whom she meant so much.
Peter Oppenheimer, Chairman of the St. Clare's Governors, Boyd Roberts,
today's Principal, staff who served with her, former students, local villagers,
and nurses who were devoted to her in her last years, all came to join
in celebrating the life of Pam. We gathered afterwards to see her laid
to rest in the beautiful little country churchyard.
Anne Dreydel
Co-Founder and Former Principal of St. Clare's