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50th Anniversary Art Exhibition - 17 May - 1 June 2003


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1953-2003 - 50 Years of Promoting International Education & Understanding

Separates by Jenny Saville

The Art Department staged this richly diverse exhibition to celebrate fifty years of art by staff and students associated with St. Clare's. The great success of this venture was made possible by the generous support of artists of many different nationalities and generations who have been connected with the Department over the years and are continuing friends.

The exhibition was held as part of Oxford Art Weeks which is an annual festival celebrating visual arts. Being part of this meant that a lot of local residents and visitors to Oxford also came to see the exhibition, which was one of many being held in galleries, schools and private homes throughout Oxfordshire.

There were a number of alumni amongst the exhibitors who sent works from all over Europe. These included Viktoria Hallenius (1990), Francoise Goy (1969), Carla Hirst (1995) and Anne-Lise Frydenberg (1966), Laura Buxton (1971) and Claudie Leclerq (1970). Examples of exhibits can be seen below.

The exhibition had another important aim behind it, to support the St. Clare's Tanzanian Education Project, known as STEP. Five guest artists contributed Art from Tanzania and all the exhibitors generously agreed to donate a percentage of sales towards STEP, which is raising money to renovate Kiboriloni Primary School in the Kilimanjaro region of northern Tanzania.

A private view was held on the opening night of the exhibition and we were delighted to be joined by many of the exhibitors and also by Chris Ndlovu, a founder member of STEP. Last year Chris visited the primary school in Tanzania to meet staff and students and to see the renovations that have been made so far.

Finally the exhibition was also a tribute to tremendous contribution that Paul Saville has made to the Art Department of St. Clare's (as well as to the Liberal Arts Programme) over many years long service. Paul and Jenny Saville (his niece) made a presentation to St. Clare's of one of Jenny's lithographs entitled Separates. This now hangs in the Academic Resources Centre (ARC) where it is easy for people to see and enjoy it. I am delighted that we expect the 'Saville connection' to continue with Paul as an Artist in Residence and with Jenny running master classes in painting.

Paul Saville and I would like to thank all the people (too numerous to mention by name) who contributed to this exhibition. It was enjoyed by many visitors and proved a memorable way to mark the St. Clare's Jubilee.


St. Clare's, Oxford by Paul Saville
