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from the following English language summer courses for young adults,
16 years +: |
- Study for 2, 3,
4 weeks, or longer (June, July and August)
- 21 hours language
tuition per week
- Maximum class size,
- Level: *Elementary
to advanced (*beginners may register on certain 2-week courses - refer
to dates and fees)
Programme includes:
- 15 hours of core
language study, 3 hours each weekday morning
- 6 hours of complementary
studies per week (2 hours on 3 afternoons). Choose one per week, from
subjects such as:
- drama workshop,
poetry and short stories, literature, British life and culture,
in the news, English for business, computer assisted language-learning,
conversation, popular music and film, grammar clinic, extend your
vocabulary, composition, exam practice
- Study visits as
part of the course
- After class activities
and excursions
- End of course attendance
certificate and report Top
and Football
introducing our new course
Our English and football
course offers 15 hours a week General English, 3 hours each weekday morning,
plus 10 hours per week during afternoons/evenings of specialist football
training and match play sessions.
The course is designed
for all ability levels. You will not only improve your own technique,
but will have the opportunity to learn new drills and best practice for
management and training of others. The course will follow the practical
elements of the Football Association (FA) level 1 certificate in coaching
football. At the end of the course you will have a 20-minute practical
assessment and on successul completion you will be awarded an FA assistant
coaching certificate. It is also possible to follow the course, but not
take the assesssment if you prefer.
Class size
English lessons
Football sessions
maximum 15
12-18 per group
elementary -
all levels
Minimum age
16 years
16 years
Specific elements
of the course include:
- Qualified and
experienced FA coaches
- Practical training
and match practice
- Adapting a variety
of football activities for different age groups
- Organising mini
soccer, small sided and conditional games
- Basic laws of
the game of association football
- A football-related
excursion, eg. football stadium tour
- St. Clare's squad
football shirt
- Course certificate
/ FA certificate (on successful completion of assessment) Top
Plus Courses
Choice of two 3-week
courses (July and August). Language study, plus:
- Tennis (elementary
- advanced level)
- Basketball (elementary
- advanced level)
- Shakespeare (intermediate
- advanced level)
Programme includes:
- 15 hours' language
study on weekday mornings plus 6 hours of special 'Plus' interest or
activity on 3 afternoons per week
- Study visits as
part of the course
- After class activities
and excursions
- End of course attendance
certificate and report Top
- Choice of two 3-week
courses (July and August)
- 25.5 hours language
tuition per week
- Maximum class size:
- Level: Intermediate
to advanced
Programme includes:
- 3.5 hours each
morning of which 2.5 hours are language study and 1 hour is supervised
resource-based study
- 2 hours each on
4 afternoons per week (total 8 hours)
- Study visits as
part of the course
- Optional ARELS
Short Course English Test (ASCET)
- After class activities
and excursions
- End of course attendance
certificate and report Top
for Academic Purposes
- 3 or 4-week course
(end July - August)
- 21 hours tuition
per week
- Maximum class size:
- Level: Upper-intermediate
- advanced
Programme includes:
- Preparation for
pre-university academic study in English (e.g. A-levels, International
Baccalaureate or other senior high school courses)
- 3 hours of integrated
language skills, Monday to Friday mornings
- 6 hours per week
on 3 afternoons of language development work and language-based study
- note-taking,
using libraries, answering exam questions, understanding instructions,
technical vocabulary, essay-writing, etc.
- Study visits as
part of the course
- After class activities
and excursions
- End of course attendance
certificate and report Top