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1953-2003 - 50 Years of Promoting International Education & Understanding


Outward Bound Experience - Wales

Fourteen students headed to Aberdovey in Wales for a week of adventure and challenge at the Outward Bound centre. Outward Bound is a company which fiercely guards the right of young people to have access to safe adventure experiences through which they realise their potential.

Photo gallery of the week's adventures

The St. Clare's students were introduced to the Jacob's Ladder and a rock climb for their first activities. On day two, We split into groups and undertook a gruelling 6 hour walk in the hills of Wales. Perfect weather and beautiful views made the adventure all worthwhile. We had mastered campfire cooking and made all of our meals on small stoves, and soon felt like naturals at this outside life but a night under canvas at minus 4 degrees celcius was definitely memorable!

On day three, at the wharf in Aberdovey, each group had to race against each other to develop a zip-wire to get their whole team from the wharf to the opposite pier. Elly Harder (IB1) showed outstanding leadership skills and patience with her group as she attempted to beat her opponents. The following day students took part in a boat race where they had to learn to make a raft with two kayaks and some wooden poles. Back at the wharf in Aberdovey the students also learnt how to do complete safety jumps and plummeted into the icy cold water. Eden Su (IB2) even went twice, becoming addicted to the thrill of the jump! Yifan Liu (Monica) (PreIB) commented that she felt like a hero after these jumps and that she could attempt anything.

On the final night at Outward Bound each group made a presentation to their leader. Assyl Ikhsah (IB1) and Elena Vasilieva (IB1) graced us with their vocal talents in presenting a song about their week of adventure. Sheng Zhou (IB1) stole the show with his song about his love of "chocolate" singing in opera style! Some small awards were given out at the end of the night, Fifi Liao (IB1) was given the "smile" award as she only began to show us her pearly whites after about 3 days - perhaps she was adjusting to the change from St. Clare's life!

We left the Outward Bound centre at the end of the week feeling exhausted, but exhilarated at the thought of all we had achieved. It was a chance to experience some aspects of the outdoors that we would not have had the opportunity to do in Oxford. After all the outdoor activity challenges it was a pleasant change to visit Portmeirion, a small village on the coast, followed by Cardiff, the capital of Wales, where we had one thing in mind, shopping!

Many thanks to the Outward Bound leaders; Ian, Dan and Bryn, who tailored this trip to our needs, ensured everyone was safe and provided us with entertainment throughout the week. Thank you also to Jon Halligan (Director of Activities) who put in many long hours to produce this half-term adventure. Finally, the students who attended this trip gained much more than they had expected, so thank you to those who took on the challenge with an open mind and kept us all smiling throughout.

"We are all better then we know. If only we can be brought to realize this, we may never be prepared to settle for anything less." Kurt Hahn (1943) founder of Outward Bound.

Meg Claringbold
Activities Department
October 2003
