UK IB Students' Conference 2004 | ||
"It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~ Aesop Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Whenever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe. ~ Elie Wiesel (holocaust survivor) To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal than to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves. ~ Lewis Carroll It is a brave and honest person who can stand apart from the masses and openly challenge its most treasured beliefs. ~ Donna Evans Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. ~ Leo Tolstoy Now is a rushing river. There are those who would hug the shore, but there is no shore. Push off into the stream. Hold your head above the frey. See who else is in the midst of things, and celebrate. ~ Native American saying Only those who risk going too far can possibly know how far they can really go. ~ T.S. Eliot The only true failure in life is to stop trying. ~ Unknown The possibility that we may fail in the struggle should not deter us from supporting a cause we believe to be just. ~ Abraham Lincoln The man who moved a mountain is the one who started taking away the small stones. ~ Old Chinese Proverb A hundred years from now it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was, or the car I drove...but the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child or one of God's creatures on this earth. ~ Anon Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears. ~ Richard Wilkins |
St. Clare's, Oxford in association with IBSCA (IB Schools and Colleges Association of the UK and Ireland) present the UK IB Students' Conference 2004. This is an annual conference, open to IB Diploma students in IB schools and colleges in the UK and Ireland. This year's IBSCA Students' Conference takes place on Tuesday 8 June. A detailed programme of the day will be available when students register, but the general format is as follows Theme For this year's conference, we want to expose students to case-studies
involving people who have tried to make a difference and to then facilitate
debate on what they can do, including discussing the legitimacy of various
modes of action. The theme of this year's IBSCA Student Conference is therefore: From Personal Change to Social Action Organisation of the Conference On the Monday evening we will organise events in Oxford combining social activities with opportunities for visitors who are unfamiliar with the city to see more of it. We sincerely hope that students from a number of schools will take up this offer so that the degree of social interchange between students can be as wide as possible. As another pre-conference event, we intend to screen a feature film such as Erin Brockovich, Gandhi or Schindler's List if there seems to be demand for this. Timings
Discussion Groups During the day, students will attend four different Study groups. The day will be arranged so that the members of each discussion group attend different combinations of Study groups. Then, in the final discussion group meeting, they will report back on the issues that they explored during the day and discuss the legitimacy of different modes of action. Study Sessions
Visiting schools are encouraged to add to this list through presentations
by their staff and/or students. They are also invited to give short presentations
on distinctive Service projects or other similar ventures. Lunch Groups Visiting schools are invited to suggest topics/themes that they would like to include in these discussion forums. Post-Conference Costs Registration Contact Tel: 01865-552031 |