letter sent to parents of all preIB
and E16+ students
Dear Parents
Reports and Information - Pre-IB &
EC16+ - June 2004
The Summer Term
We have had a successful and busy summer term for all students. Second
year students had their exams, their Graduation, and then left. We were
pleased that they took this last part of the course very seriously, and
left in good spirits, setting a good example to the first year, Pre-IB
and EC16+ students. First year students have had the Field Trips, which
went very well, Theory of Knowledge projects, various portfolio tasks,
a week of Year Exams and the first World Literature Essays.
Pre-IB and EC16+ students have had the fifth module of their academic
year. A few adjustments of the timetable allowed us to give some a taste
of subjects such as Economics and Physics that they will study next year.
They have continued to work well, with good spirit and involvement in
College life
Reports and transcripts
We enclose a report and a transcript for your son or daughter for the
Summer term. Please read them through and reply using the enclosed acknowledgement
If you did not receive the reports and transcripts for the Spring Term
(Modules 3 & 4), please let us know on the acknowledgement slip. We
can send you a copy.
A look at the transcript will show your son or daughter's scores during
the year, and their reports will give their subject teachers' and their
Personal Tutor's opinions of how they have done. We use the IB scale of
grades 1 - 7 for each subject, with 7 as the top grade. Students who are
successful on the course should be achieving mostly 5s, 6s, or 7s. They
also have effort grades on a scale from A - E, with A being the best grade.
During the last two terms, we have looked in detail at all students,
considering reports from teachers, the results from the exams last term,
and the results of the English exams that they took in the Autumn. We
have sent an application form for the IB course to the parents of those
who plan to stay. Please let us know if you are not clear about whether
or not your son or daughter is being offered a place on the IB course.
We have strengthened our activities programme this year, and we have
been more insistent that Pre-IB and EC16+ students take part in activities.
It is hoped that all students have interests that they are able to follow
through our programme. It is also useful as preparation for the CAS component
of the IB course, and it can be very helpful with English for non-native
Looking ahead
A list of the dates for next year is given below.
Please note in particular the dates for next term, starting on Thursday
2 September for those students returning. We are grateful if parents book
flights as soon as possible for their son or daughter for the start of
term, for half term, and for the end of term. They are all at busy times,
and bookings have to be made well in advance. We expect Pre-IB / EC16+
students who are returning next term to come to all of the Orientation.
Whilst they do know St Clare's and Oxford, the Orientation includes much
new academic and activities information, and introduces them to the new
group of students.
In addition, please note Sunday 9 January 2005, when we set aside time
from 14.00 to 16.00 for parents to meet teachers and Personal Tutors.
It is a good opportunity for you to discuss your son or daughter's progress
directly with St Clare's staff.
We are delighted with the present group of students, who generally work
well and are enthusiastic about their life at St Clare's. We wish them,
and you, an enjoyable summer, and look forward to seeing many of them
again in September.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Lee, Director of Studies and Maureen Guy, Dean of Students
Dates ahead for your diary
2004 - 2005
Autumn Term 2004 |
(Wednesday 1 September) |
(by 17:00) |
(Student helpers for Orientation
return) |
Thursday 2 September |
by 14:00 |
New students
arrive. This includes present Pre-IB and EC16+ students who are returning. |
Sunday 5 September |
10:00 - 20:00 |
Students who were in IB1
this year return for IB2 |
Friday 22 October |
16:15 |
Students are free to leave
for half term |
Sunday 31 October |
10:00 - 20:00 |
Students return from half
term |
Friday 17 December |
13:15 |
Autumn Term ends - lessons
finish at 13.15 - Students may leave after they have seen their Personal
Tutors |
Spring Term 2005 |
Sunday 9 January |
14:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 20:00 |
Parent - Teacher
/ Personal Tutor Meetings
Students return for the Spring term |
Thursday 17 Feb |
16:15 |
Lessons finish - students
can leave for half term |
Sunday 20 February |
10:00 - 20:00 |
Students return from half
term |
Wednesday 23 March |
13.15 |
Spring Term ends
- lessons finish at 13.15
Students may leave after they have seen their Personal Tutors |
Summer Term 2005 |
Sunday 10 April |
10:00 - 20:00 |
Students return for the Summer
term |
Tuesday 3 May |
Final IB exams start |
Tuesday 24 May |
Final IB exams finish |
Saturday 28 May |
Graduation |
By Sunday 29 May |
Second year students leave |
Friday 17 June |
Parents' Day (for IB1, Pre-IB
and EC16+). Term ends. Students may leave from 13.15 |
