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St. Clare's operates at two locations in Oxford: the Bardwell Road Centre and the Banbury Road campus

Bardwell Road Centre

The Bardwell Road Centre is our centre for adult students on the English language and Liberal Arts (US university level) programmes. This occupies two large houses in Bardwell Road, and provides:

  • Teaching rooms for all adult English language courses
  • Teaching rooms for some Liberal Arts courses
  • Liberal Arts Programme Office
  • Two computer rooms for teaching and general student use, including email / Internet access
  • Library / self-access centre, specifically relating to English language
  • Dining rooms / common room, providing breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Residential accommodation for 20 students
  • Administrative offices for adult English language programmes

The Banbury Road campus comprises nine large houses and purpose-built additions. The campus includes:

  • Central College administration
  • Classrooms for languages, social studies, maths, theatre arts
  • Visual arts studio
  • Music rooms
  • Science laboratories
  • Computer rooms for teaching and general student use, including e-mail and Internet access
  • Central hall, used for meetings, lectures, social events
  • Activities Department office
  • Dining Room
  • Sugar House café / bar
  • Residential accommodation
  • Academic Resources Centre, housing the College's 35,000 volume library, periodicals, computers, etc.

Some Liberal Arts teaching takes place at the Banbury Road campus.

Students on all programmes, including adult students based at the Bardwell Road Centre, are encouraged to make use of the general facilities of the Banbury Road campus.

The picture below gives you an impression of the Banbury Road campus. Since this was drawn, we have acquired two further buildings close to those shown. One provides a base for Social Studies and Theatre Arts teaching. New Place, opened in January 2002, houses maths classrooms, three music rooms and seminar rooms.