on Travel
"Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased"
Daniel 12:4
pleasure we derive from journeys is perhaps dependent more on the
mindset with which we travel than on the destination we travel to"
(Alain De Botton)
Seminar 1: Introduction and discussion
Seminar 2: Dr David
Bowen (Oxford Brookes University) "Tourism 2010"
Seminar 3: Dr Tony Lurcock (St
Clare's, Oxford)
"From exploration to travel to tourism"
Seminar 4: Sir Michael Llewellyn
Smith (travel writer)
"Travel in Greek Lands"
Seminar 5: John Rolfe (St Clare's
"Photography and Travel"
Seminar 6: Robert Houston and
other Participants from Anti-Slavery International Discussion of
their recently completed sponsored bicycle ride from Cape Town to
Seminar 7: Vanessa Buxton, ATG
Tour Operator's perspective on sustainable tourism
"Giving Something Back"
Seminar 8: Keith Allen (St Clare's,
"Education and Travel"
Seminar 9: Student presentations
and discussion

Autumn Semester
Citizenship, Democracy &
Seminar 1: Introduction to the
Dr Ines Molinaro, St. Clare's, Oxford
Seminar 2: Images of America & American Foreign
Rory Kelly, St. Clare's, Oxford
Seminar 3: A History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Dr Mahmoud Hawari, Lecturer, and consultant with War on Want
Seminar 4: Consolidating Democracy in South Africa
Dr Anthony Lemon, Lecturer in Geography, Mansfield College, University
of Oxford
Seminar 5: Does democracy mean
inter-ethnic Peace?
Mark Almond, Oriel College, University of Oxford
Seminar 6: Universal Values in
the World Heritage Community
John Rolfe, St. Clare's, Oxford
Seminar 7: Civil Liberties, Fear
of Crime & CCTV
Dr Paul Catley, Oxford Brookes University and Dr Lisa Claydon, University
of the West of England
Seminar 8: Democratisation and
Citizenship in South America
Dr Laurence Whitehead, Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College, University
of Oxford
Seminar 9:Democracy and Violence
in Northern Ireland
Dr Alan O'Day, Visiting Fellow, Rothermere Institute of American
