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  Duke of Edinburgh's Award - update



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Eleven IB1 and IB2 students completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award in October. To train for the Expedition the students attended two weekends of acclimatization in Wales; one walking and the other canoeing. The expedition took place in south Wales where the students spent a gruelling four days on the move; two days walking around quarries and the other two canoeing along the Brecon and Monmouthshire canal. The purpose of the expedition was to assess the transport system in Wales when lime was moved from the mountains to the canals and then into the towns for use. As well as gaining the Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award Expedition section of the award, the students also passed a level two canoeing qualification.

Meg Claringbold - Activities Department

learning to canoe happiness comes with success team spirit
canoeing can be fun full team picture taking instruction from the canoe instructor
disciplined delay walking upstream to assess the rapid  
trekking in the Brecon Beacons a well earned rest with a view map reading skills in the hills
team photo with a breaktaking view map reading skills in the hills return to the top of the page