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A group of St. Clare's students went to Stave Hill Ecology Park, south London as part of 2005 International Year of the Volunteer. Working with CSV (Community Service Volunteers) the students performed several tasks from footpath laying, constructing a classroom, hedgelaying, scrub bashing and general maintenance at the site. The work day was set up by CSV as part of an ongoing cooperation between the organisation and St. Clare's.

The group of 15 students were keen to get out and make a difference to the local environment. They were well received and worked hard throughout the day. The next event will be a group working in a similar way creating a living willow dome and building a floating raft at the Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park in south London.

image: Stave Hill Ecology Park image: briefing session for the volunteers image: classroom construction
image: hard graft image: satisfaction of a job well done image: a bit of a break
image: scrub bashing image: scrub bashing image: scrub bashing
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image: Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park