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Taught by
experienced EFL Teaching professionals

Accredited by the British Council and a member of English UK


EFL Teacher Training courses 2005
What is special about St. Clare's courses?
We have over 20 years experience of running courses for teachers. We keep continually up to date by employing both practising teachers and specialist teacher trainers to run our teachers' courses, many of whom work for us all year round.
As well as our scheduled courses for individuals, we have run courses for the Korean and Greek Ministries of Education and have trained groups of teachers from countries such as Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Britain and Slovenia.
Classrooms are comfortable and well equipped. You will have full use of the facilities in our library, which contains a substantial collection of books, language learning resources, audio- visual material, networked computers and internet access.
Oxford is renowned for its bookshops and publishers, and most courses include a visit to one or more of these. There are many other courses held at the College besides the teachers' courses so there is usually the opportunity to see classes in action and observe our experienced teachers.
Courses are residential, so you will be able to get to know your colleagues and other students attending the College.

EFL Teacher Training Courses
Is the course suitable for me?
Suitable for: • Experienced & less experienced teachers
• Teachers working in Secondary / Higher Education
• Primary teachers can only be accepted as part of a closed group
Course length: 2 weeks
No of hours: 21 per week
Minimum level of English: ESU level 5 / Upper Intermediate / Cambridge First Certificate
Minimum no of participants: 4
Course dates: 16 July - 29 July 2006
  30 July - 12 August 2006
Course fees: £740

courses for EFL teachers

Closed Group Courses
Tailor-made courses for closed groups (methodology or methodology plus language) can be arranged at most times of the year for both secondary and primary teachers. Contact Richard Walton, Director of Studies EFL, for more information.

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