Since its launch in 2003, St. Clare's Alumni Online has expanded its database of good addresses to over 8,000 alumni and friends. Here at the Development and Alumni Office we are presently in touch with over 1,200 registered members across the globe. This private web community allows all basic information about alumni , friends of St. Clare's, former and current staff and their time at St. Clare's to be visible to all registered members. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, if you have previously indicated to us that you do not wish any information we hold about you to be shared, your data will not appear on screen for other members. You can decide which data you wish to be available - for instance, you might be happy for other alumni to have access to your email address, but not your home address.
To register simply log on to Alumni Online and once you have registered you will be able to use the system to find old friends, obtain information about upcoming events and benefit from the careers network. As long as you keep us informed of your up-to-date mailing and email addresses, you will receive all the latest news from St. Clare's and our alumni.
Any news or support from our alumni and friends is greatly valued at St. Clare's, so if you are in touch with someone who is missing from our system, please contact the Development and Alumni Office and we will add them to the database.
All your questions answered!
What are the aims
of St. Clare's Alumni Online?
- To encourage
closer links between alumni, friends, colleagues and St. Clare's
- To encourage
closer links amongst alumni, friends and colleagues
- To support events
amongst members, wherever in the world they may be
- To support current
students and other members in the choice and development of their careers.

What are the benefits
of St. Clare's Alumni Online?
- Search for other
members using a range of criteria from name to leaving year
- Build a personal "Who's Who" entry online and have access to the "Who's
Who" entries of other members.
- Enter, and check
the accuracy of the data held about you by St. Clare's
- Withhold from
display items of personal data which you do not want to share with other
- Find out about
events happening at St. Clare's
- Enter news items
or publicise events which will interest other members. All news and
events will be checked before being shown on the system
- Find other members
with the same professional and business interests or those who are in
the same country or region as you
- Offer professional
services to other members who can find out about them using our search
- Offer advice
to current students and other members about a choice of career or about
work experience opportunities

How will members
communicate with each other?
An email-for-life address becomes available to all members of St. Clare's
Alumni Online for communication with other members.
Once you have set up your email account you
can either use the facility provided within the system for email or forward
emails received at the address to another account of
your choice. 
Is the system secure?
St. Clare's Alumni Online has been developed in accordance with the Data
Protection Act (1998) and all information held on the system will never
be sold or passed onto anyone outside St. Clare's. Data will only be used
by the College or third parties working on behalf of the College for creating
closer links with our alumni, friends and colleagues.
The system will provide each member with a
unique pin number, user name and password (which is chosen by the member)
and is backed up by:
- Abattia's innovative
data privacy technology ("the Consensus Wrapper" - patent
pending) which complies with all relevant privacy regulations and ensures
that the service operates strictly in accordance with each member's
preference for disclosure and use of personal data. Other management
facilities keep track on how and by whom the system is used.
- Terms of Use
which must be accepted by all users prior to access to the system.
- Monitoring of
changes to personal data by the Development and Alumni Office at St.
- The operation
of dedicated servers protected by an industry-strength firewall which
is monitored continuously.
- The lodging of
the system in a secure, fireproofed and security guarded installation.
I can't read some of
the text on the screen. How can I make the font bigger?
Your browser should allow you to set certain preferences, including the
font size. Both Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer have options
in the View menu.
What if I have
problems using the system or have any questions?
If you need any help using the Alumni Online system or have any other
questions please contact the Development and Alumni Office.
Telephone: + 44 (0)1865 517381
Fax: + 44 (0)1865 517376
Log on to St. Clare's Alumni
Online and read the latest news about other alumni and the college.
(Please note that if you are not yet a member, you will need to register
Post your own news
Members of St. Clare's Alumni
Online can post their own news for everyone to read. You can write
about anything that you think would interest other alumni. You can also
include a photo.
To add a news item, simply go to the News
area and click on the Add button. Now add your news, a title, and finally
click on Update and Confirm. Then you can add a photo: just click on the
Upload Picture button, then Browse to find a photo stored on your hard
drive, then again on Update and Confirm. 
Log on to St. Clare's Alumni
Online to read about and book your place at one of our forthcoming
events. Some events are aimed at particular year or interest groups but
most of them are open to anyone. You do need to register first in order
to book online.
Organise your own events
Members of St. Clare's Online can organise and advertise their own reunions,
events and get-togethers. If you would like to tell other alumni about
a reunion, event or get-together, please contact the Development and Alumni
Office who will be able to add this onto the St. Clare's Alumni
Alumni News Update
You can now enter your details directly onto the St. Clare's Alumni
Online system. There are sections for entering further education details,
current interests and family and career information.
There is also a section called 'Life Achievements'
which is there for you to tell us news that doesn't fit in any other category!
This is the section which will be used for compiling the next edition
of Alumni Notes and is your chance to update others on your latest news.
You decide what information other members
can see and you can even add two photographs onto your records to remind
people of what you looked like whilst you were at St. Clare's and what
you look like now - if you wish!
