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    International Day



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Thursday 20 October was International Day at St. Clare's. The normal timetable was suspended so that students and staff could participate in a range of activities organised to allow us all to learn from and about each other. Take a look at our photo gallery here.

In the morning, students led discussions and seminars on topics including should Turkey be allowed membership of the EU?; the reality of Muslim life; Aid to Africa - doing more harm than good?

Lunch included Norwegian waffles with sweet, brown cheese, German bratwurst and lasagne cooked by the Italian students.

The afternoon was spent viewing a range of international films and discussing issues raised by them. The Motorcycle Diaries, La Haine, No man's Land and The Story of the Weeping Camel were much enjoyed and stimulated useful debate.

International Evening
St. Clare's Student Council organised a series of performances in the Hall. Korean song, hip-hop dance, reflections on what it means to be English and US line dancing were just some of the student and staff performances enjoyed by a large audience. The evening was expertly hosted by Sebastiano Cremonini and Anne Vestrum.
Before the show the whole St. Clare's community enjoyed food from around the world in an international meal in the Dining Hall.


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