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A group of 30 IB students participated in a successful trip to Barcelona, Spain. The students, lead by Vicky Hahn, Meg Claringbold (Activities Department) and Suso Rodriguez (Spanish teacher) visited some of Gaudi's famous sites including the Sagrada Familia and Parc Guell, explored the Gothic Quarters and the Picasso museum and tried many of the fantastic tapas! A great trip involving the Activities and the Spanish Departments. Take a look at the selection of photos for a flavour.

trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona
trip to Barcelona

Student Review:
We arrived in Barcelona at 10:45pm, Thursday evening. We had a quick stop at the hotel (which was in fact located in the centre of the city) and headed for dinner at Tapas. The food was wonderful and a great time was had by all.

Friday morning was an early start but I think we all managed to get out of bed for a brilliant tour of the city. We were shown not only the main sights but also the less well-known places. It was great to see the city from the perspective of a local. The afternoon was then free and later on we met up at the Picasso museum. I actually found it incredible to see just how much his style changed during his lifetime. There were some fantastic pieces of artwork. We then split up again for the evening, only to meet at midnight to go to a salsa club in town.

Saturday was taken up by more sightseeing, but a little further afield. I think the highlight for me was visiting the beautiful Sagrada Familia. The sun was shining and everybody was happy. In the evening, we all dressed up and went to very nice restaurant. The food was wonderful (the speciality was lamb, and even though I did not have it, my salad was lovely!). This was followed by yet another evening out on the town!

Sunday was a nice chilled out day. We had the whole day to ourselves and so we went down to the harbour and the market stalls along Las Ramblas and attempted some Spanish. We left Barcelona in the evening and arrived back at St Clare's really tired but happy. I think I can safely say that everybody really enjoyed the trip and really appreciated the excellent organisation by Meg, Vicky and Suso.