Helen and Douglas House provides care for children and young adults with life-shortening conditions. Helen House, the world's first children's hospice, opened in Oxford in 1982. Founded by Sister Frances Dominica,
Helen House gives respite care and terminal care to children with life-limiting illness, offering friendship and practical support to them and their families. Douglas House is the world's first hospice built specifically for young adults up to the age of 40 and opened in 2004. It costs just under £4 million a year to run Helen and Douglas House.
In March 2006 over forty St. Clare's students put together a variety show detailing the change of fashion throughout the past 50 years. With the help of Vicky Watson, Theatre Arts teacher, and the Activities team, the students chose scenes from various films to showcase the fashion of that era. For example, the fashion of the 1990's was showcased using a scene from the film The Matrix. Students, with the help of the Activities team, collected a number of auction items from local businesses in Oxford, eg. a meal voucher for two at local restaurant, Mama Mia's or 6 months membership at LA Fitness gym. Invited guests were encouraged to bid for each item and £698 was raised on the night.
In November 2006 a number of students worked with Susan Tawse, Dean of Students, putting together a beauty pageant with a difference! The Miss St. Clare's Show involved a number of male contestants "strutting their heels on the catwalk" in imitation of the Miss World beauty pageant. They had to sing and perform in front of an audience of staff and students. The group managed to raise £148.
Jamie Dear, Schools' Volunteer for Helen and Douglas House, visited college to collect the final cheque for £847.38.

Principal, Paula Holloway, Head of Activities, Kevin Hennessy
and IB students with cheque for Helen and Douglas House
