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St. Clare's IB Diploma follows a three-term system. The first term runs from late August to mid-December, with a one-week half-term break. The second term runs from early January to Easter, with a short break in February and a two-week break around Easter. The third term runs from the end of the Easter break to mid-June. There is no half-term break in the third term. Second year students take their examinations in May and graduate usually in the last week of May.


Summer Term 2007 - there is no half term break in the Summer Term
Sunday 15 April All students return
Monday 16 April Classes start
Saturday 26 May Provisional date for Graduation Day for second year students
Sunday 27 May All second year IB students leave
Friday 15 June
End of term
The last day of term is Parents' Day.
Students may leave from 1315
Autumn Term 2007
Thursday 30 August First year IB, Pre-IB and new second year students arrive
Thursday 30 August - Sunday 2 September IB and Pre-IB Orientation
Sunday 2 September Second year IB students return
Monday 3 September Classes start
Saturday 20 October - Sunday 28 October
Mid-term break
Teaching finishes at 1615 on Friday 19 October
Friday 14 December End of term
Teaching finishes at 1615
Spring Term 2008
Sunday 6 January Students return, new students arrive;
Parent-Teacher meetings
Monday 7 January IB Classes start; Orientation for Pre-IB
Friday 21 March - Monday 24 March Easter break
Teaching finishes at 16:15 on Thursday 20 March
Friday 4 April End of Term
Teaching finishes at 16:15
Summer Term 2008 - there is no mid term break in the summer term
Sunday 20 April All students return
Monday 21 April Classes start
Saturday 24 May Probable Graduation Day for second year students
Sunday 25 May All second year students leave
Friday 13 June End of term
Teaching finishes at 1615
Saturday 14 June Parents' Day
10:00-12:00 (to be confirmed)