In summer St. Clare's runs a complete range of English language courses for students aged from 10-17. We run two residential centres in North Oxford; a junior campus for students 10-15, and an older campus for students 16-17.
St. Clare's is renowned for its excellent teaching, full programme of activities and exclusive residential accommodation.
We offer a range of positions for the summer courses - teachers, activity and residential staff. Link through the job title to find out more about the vacancy and details on how and when to apply.
How to apply
If, after reading the information above, you would like to apply for a position with us, please send your CV along with a short letter outlining your suitability to the job for which you are applying.
Please forward your documentation to us as soon as possible. We will then contact you to arrange an interview. Appointments will be confirmed as soon as possible after interview and on receipt of suitable references.
Email applications should be sent to: charlotte.thompson@stclares.ac.uk
Postal applications should be sent to:
Charlotte Thompson
Short Courses Office
St. Clare's, Oxford
139 Banbury Road
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