Job Description
Please see Notes for Job Applicants for general background information on St. Clare's.
Background to the post
The Academic Office on the Banbury Road campus oversees the academic side of pre-university programmes. Currently, this involves 250 students. The Vice Principal has overall responsibility for the structure and staffing of the programmes, but most of the detailed work is done by the Director of Studies and Dean of Students. The Director of Studies has responsibility for ensuring that the International Baccalaureate and Preparatory International Baccalaureate courses run smoothly, and is also involved in interviewing students as part of the admissions process. The Dean of Students concentrates on the welfare, development and progress of individual students.
The post
The overall purpose of the post is to provide a comprehensive secretarial and administrative service to support the Academic Office. The successful applicant will work with one other Academic Office Assistant and the Academic Office Manager in the Academic Office.
The nature of the post is such that the Academic Office Assistant is a full-time appointment. Most pre-university students begin in August, but a few start on other dates especially in early January. The successful applicant will be required to work on occasional Saturdays or Sundays (Parents' meetings, Graduation, etc.).
Terms and conditions
Salary range: £14,484 - £16,682 per annum, according to qualifications and experience
Holiday: 22 days
Free lunches: are offered in the College dining room during the academic year and major summer courses on which you are working and when meals are being served to students.
Pension: After three months of continuous service the Employee is entitled to join the Employer's Group Personal Pension Scheme. The contribution basis is that the Employer pays up to 10% of salary subject to the Employee contributing up to 5% of salary, the Employer's contributions being double those of the Employee. The Employee may make additional contributions above 5% subject to any restrictions imposed by the Inland Revenue. Any additional contributions made by the Employee are not matched by the Employer
Life Assurance: On commencement of service of employment you will be eligible to join the Group Life Assurance Plan, the benefit being a lump sum of 4 times salary.
Probationary period: The probationary period will be 6 months.
Further enquiries and applications
Please apply by letter, enclosing a full CV to include names, addresses and telephone numbers of two referees to:
Tom Walsh, Vice Principal
St. Clare's, Oxford
139 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 7AL
Email: recruitment@stclares.ac.uk
Telephone: 01865 517368
Fax: 01865 310002
Closing date for applications: 4 July 2007
Appointments will be subject to enhanced CRB check and satisfactory references
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