St. Clare's is pleased to announce another set of good results in May 2007. Whilst our average score was down a little at 32.49, we felt that it was a good reflection of the year group.
We achieved:
- An 88% overall pass rate and an average points score of 32.49 – this kept us well ahead of the world average points score, which went down this year to 29.57
- 33 students with 35 points or more (considered equivalent to 4.5 grade As at A level) = 39.8%.
- 9 students with 40 points or more = 10.8%.
- 1 student with 45 - the highest possible mark, achieved by only 63 of the 35,000 students who took the Diploma in 2007 (down from 2006, when it was 72 students).
- 1 student with 44 points, achieved by only 139 students this year.
This is the fourth consecutive year in which we have had 44 and 45 point students, an outstanding achievement in the fiercely competitive IB environment.
Comparison of St. Clare's 2007 results with previous years
2007 |
2006 |
2005 |
2004 |
2003 |
2002 |
40 points or more |
10.8% |
13.1% |
18.8% |
14.1% |
14.0% |
14.8% |
30 points or more |
68.7% |
73.7% |
83.2% |
71.8% |
79.1% |
72.7% |
24 points or more |
94.0% |
96.1% |
98.0% |
94.1% |
100% |
92.0% |
Mean score
(excluding retakes) |
32.49 |
33.49 |
34.54 |
32.81 |
33.79 |
33.15 |
The maximum score is 45 points and the pass mark is 24 points.
St. Clare's IB Diploma average points scores have consistently outperformed world averages:
St. Clare's IB Diploma pass rates have consistently outperformed world pass rates:

IB Highlights from the past 3 years
- In 2006 St. Clare's Diploma pass rate was 92.1%, compared with a world-wide average pass rate of 80.25%.
- In 2005 54.5% of St. Clare's Diploma students (54 out of 101) achieved 35 points or more, i.e. the equivalent of 4.5 A grades at A level. In 2006 this percentage was 46.1.
- In 2005 8.1% of St. Clare's Diploma students achieved 43, 44 or 45 points. This compares to 1.4% of candidates worldwide.
- In 2006 13.1% of St Clare's students achieved 40 points or more. The world wide average was 5.97%.
- In 2007 the average points score was 32.49 for St. Clare's students. This compared with 29.6 worldwide.
In 2006 most of our academic subjects outperformed the world average by a significant margin. The following is just a sample:
- in English A2 Higher Level the average was 6.25, compared to 5.43
- in Spanish B Higher Level the average was 6.40, compared to 5.60
- in Economics Higher Level the average was 5.67, compared to 5.17
- in History Higher Level the average was 5.45, compared to 4.95
- in Psychology Higher Level the average was 5.77, compared to 4.59
- in Biology Standard Level the average was 6.08, compared to 4.23
- in Mathematics Standard Level the average was 5.50, compared to 4.82
In 2007 we had similar success, for example:
- in English A1 Higher Level the average was 5.81, compared to 4.78
- in Spanish A1 Standard Level the average was 6.00, compared to 4.86
- in English A2 Higher Level the average was 6.00, compared to 5.30
- in French B Standard Level the average was 6.25, compared to 4.86
- in Economics Higher Level the average was 5.54, compared to 5.05
- in Physics Higher Level the average was 5.64, compared to 4.47