Unsurprisingly the vast majority of St. Clare's graduates go to university as the next step in their career. Students from IB, advanced studies programme and university foundation courses are supported in applications all over the world. The majority of them go to UK universities in addition to a range of international universities and courses, each place reflecting the interests, abilities and aspirations of the student. Other students develop their personal skills and interests by taking a ‘gap' year in which to travel, work or volunteer and thus improve their career prospects prior to continuing in education.
The list of university destinations in 2007 is impressive, reflecting the academic success of the 2007 graduates and those who took a gap year in 2006.
Summary of destinations for 2007 graduates: |
Destination |
No. of students |
UK universities |
66 |
US universities |
6 |
Other universities |
2 |
Art foundation |
3 |
Gap year (most placed in universities) |
14 |
Business or apprenticeship |
2 |
Unknown |
5 |
Where are they going?
The following information includes those students who took a gap year in 2006 as well as graduates from 2007.
UK universities
This year 34 St. Clare's graduates have been placed in the top 20 UK universities (as ranked by The Times newspaper), with 22 in the top 10 universities. These universities are ranked nationally by teaching, research, entry standards, staff- student ratio, library/computing spending, first and second class degrees awarded, destinations and efficiency.
Students placed in the top 10 are as follows: |
No. of students |
Oxford University |
1 |
Imperial College, University of London |
1 |
London School of Economics |
3 |
University College London |
8 |
Warwick University |
3 |
Bristol University |
1 |
Durham University |
2 |
King's College London |
3 |
The range of subjects that all students are studying includes medicine, law, chemical engineering, history/politics, maths, neuroscience, economics, business studies, computer science, geography, fashion management, English, international relations, media, music and event management.
US Universities This year six of our graduates enrolled at US universities including some of the most prestigious institutions. The table below gives an indication of not only the range of US universities chosen but also the international mix of our students.
Student nationality |
US university |
Awards |
Cameroonian |
Rice |
Scholarship |
Portuguese |
Cornell |
American |
Amherst |
Russian |
Chicago |
Norwegian |
Lafayette College |
British |
Dickinson College |
Other International universities and courses One student will take up a place in a Canadian university and another will attend university in Poland . One student has an apprenticeship in a shipping company.
2006 destinations In 2006 23 students were placed in the top 10 UK universities and 12 more in the next 10 highest ranked universities. 7 took up US university places and 8 went to international institutions. 12 took gap years and 4 went to art foundation courses .
Further detailed information is available from our Careers and Higher Education Adviser, Liz Reece (liz.reece@stclares.ac.uk) and for United States Universities and Colleges, Paul Sinclair (paul.sinclair@stclares.ac.uk)