for August 2008
Job Description
Please see Notes for Job Applicants for general background information on St. Clare's. Please also see the Additional Information notes.
The post
The Director of Studies has the following principal areas of responsibility relating to students on the International Baccalaureate and Preparatory IB courses:
- oversight of academic programmes i.e. IB and Pre-IB courses and any other courses the College decides to run for pre-university students e.g. English and Academic Subjects
- being the IB Diploma Co-ordinator
- day to day responsibility for the operation of the courses, shared with the Dean of Students
- interviewing applicants to IB courses as part of the Admissions process
Line management
The Director of Studies:
reports to the Vice Principal
(who is also the Director of International Baccalaureate courses)
works closely with the Dean of Students
works closely with teachers, Heads of Department and the CAS Coordinator in connection with academic programmes of students
line manages the Academic Office Manager with the Dean of Students
Job description – responsibilities
Relating to academic programmes
- oversight and monitoring of composition of academic programmes e.g. the International Baccalaureate Diploma and the Preparatory IB course to ensure they are appropriate to student and College needs in terms of breadth, depth and quality
- determining changes to the courses and study programmes of IB and Pre-IB students after arrival, liaising with and informing parents as appropriate
- administration of all external exams e.g. IB and SAT exams and also all internal tests, exams and mock exams
- oversight of the internal assessment components of the IB Diploma to include the ‘internal assessment calendar' and responsibility for extended essays
- writing and monitoring the implementation of the academic timetable for IB and Pre-IB courses
- contributing to the production of ‘teaching agreement forms' for teaching staff
- proposing a complete calendar of dates for the courses to the IB Course Director
- compiling course-related publications e.g. diary, handbook, IB Guide, whether in print or web-based
- regularly reviewing the content of programmes offered e.g. range of IB Diploma subjects to ensure they are appropriate to student needs and leading change where necessary e.g. introduction of new subjects
Relating to work as IB Diploma Co-ordinator
- serving as the College's IB Diploma Co-ordinator, fulfilling requirements as set down by IBO
- representing the College at national, regional and global meetings of IB Co-ordinators e.g. IBSCA
Relating to the Admissions process and Marketing
- interviewing students and their parents as part of the Admissions process for IB courses
- determining the course of study and the academic study programme for students on IB and Pre-IB courses
- contributing to marketing initiatives for IB courses, including representing the College overseas and being involved in the organisation and delivery of Open Days
- ensuring that IB results and student success in general are well publicised
Relating to IB courses administration and management
Responsibility, shared with the Director of Studies, for day-to-day operations of the courses:
- arranging meetings of students
- responding to parental queries regarding students
- organising end of term communication with parents
- overseeing the induction of new teaching staff
- assisting the IB Course Director in recruitment of new staff
Specific responsibility for:
- organisation of IB staff meetings
- organisation and oversight of the system for covering lessons of absent teachers
- ensuring that arrangements for students with special educational needs e.g. dyslexia are appropriate
Other responsibilities
- assuming the essential duties of the Dean of Students in his/her absence
- membership of the IB Management Group
- membership of the Academic Steering Group
- organisation of Graduation events for IB Diploma students
- organisation of Scholarship Day in liaison with the Admissions Registrar and IB Course Director
- other responsibilities as assigned by the Vice Principal or Principal
Terms and Conditions
Teaching load:
A maximum of approximately half a weekly teaching load (approximately 10.5 hours/week).
Working hours: Normally within the hours of 08.30 - 18.00 Monday to Friday. However, given the responsibilities of the Director of Studies position and the unpredictability with which issues arise, work will be required outside these times, including some work at in the evenings and at weekends. This work will be considered to be part of the normal duties of the Director of Studies and no time off in lieu or overtime payment would be due.
Holiday: 50 days, the annual Christmas closure and bank holidays that fall outside term time. All holidays must be approved by the Vice Principal.
Salary: in range £44,000 to £48,000, depending on experience. St. Clare's has its own salary scale.
Pension: The teacher may be entitled to join the Teachers' Pension Scheme. The teacher's contribution is 6.4% of pensionable salary, but the percentage is subject to review from time to time.
Life Assurance: If the teacher is a member of the Teachers' Pension Scheme the cover is three times the average salary less any lump sum benefits already paid.
Free lunches: are offered in the College dining room during the academic year.
Other benefits:
Fee reductions are offered for children attending the College.
Residential accommodation may be available, but only in conjunction with appointment as a resident house warden.
We offer
the opportunity to develop your leadership and management skills in a supportive environment of academic challenge, with optimum conditions for teaching and learning
the opportunity to initiate and lead on a wide range of whole school issues
excellent experience for someone aspiring to further promotion
time to do the job i.e. focus on the academic and pastoral management of our IB students because you will teach just half a timetable
friendly students and colleagues all working hard together to achieve excellence – we have a long track record of excellent results for the International Baccalaureate Diploma course, and we expect to get even better!
Further enquiries and applications
Post advertised on 18 January.
Please apply by sending:
- a full CV, with names, addresses and telephone numbers of two professional referees (please ensure that the CV gives a full account of all time since leaving secondary school)
- a letter of application
to the Vice Principal, Tom Walsh
St. Clare's, Oxford, 139 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7AL
Tel: +44 (0)1865 517368
Fax: +44 (0)1865 310002
Email: recruitment@stclares.ac.uk
Closing date for applications: 4 February.
Interviews: held from 11 to 12 February.
Appointments will be subject to enhanced CRB check and satisfactory references.
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