Job Description
Please see Notes for Job Applicants for general background information on St. Clare's.
Background to the post
St. Clare's main sites are the Banbury Road campus and the Bardwell Road Centre. St Clare's offers residential accommodation to its students in properties near the Banbury Road campus, at the Bardwell Road Centre, and at Hampden Manor in Kidlington.
Reporting relationships
The Porter will report directly to the Senior Porter.
Main duties and responsibilities
General Duties
- To lock and unlock the College, set and disable alarms, to carry out checks on College vehicles as set out on the Security schedule.
- To lock and unlock classrooms on the main site and to re-arrange classroom furniture as and when required.
- To monitor property including residential property for open windows/doors.
- To ensure all fire doors are kept closed at all times. The Fire Log-books must be kept up to date.
- To challenge any unauthorised visitors or persons acting suspiciously, and to record details of any such persons.
- To change tapes on security cameras and to ensure that the equipment is functioning properly.
- To ensure a presence is maintained on the main site for security reasons.
- To ensure that the central establishment keys and the central residential keys are kept secure at al times.
- To be on call for the alarm company.
- To distribute student mail.
- To answer telephone calls during the evenings and on weekends and to take and pass on messages.
- To assist visitors during the evenings and at weekends, to assist new student arrivals and to assist during special days, ie open day/graduation.
- To distribute parcels received at the College.
Vehicle maintenance
- To ensure the College vehicles are checked daily and topped-up with fuel.
- To ensure vehicles are serviced in accordance with the servicing log.
- To take and record bookings for the College vehicles as requested.
Any of the above if carried out during the evenings or at weekends should not compromise site security.
- To ensure that the staff room is tidy and that used crockery is washed.
- To ensure the porter's lodge area is kept tidy and clean at al times.
- To ensure that areas surrounding buildings are maintained in a clean and tidy conditions
- To tidy up the hall after College functions.
- To assist with the St. Clare's recycling scheme.
General maintenance
- To assist in general maintenance as required, general handyman duties, painting, cleaning out drains and gutters, moving furniture and luggage, driving College vehicles including minibuses, picking up and delivering stores.
- Setting up chairs etc in the hall or other areas as requested.
- Setting up classrooms as requested
- To deal with any problems or student queries that may arise during the evenings and weekends.
- To act as the senior person on site when dealing with student problems during out of work hours, seeking guidance from Senior Staff on call when appropriate.
- To represent the College to students, parents and visitors,
- To carry out any other duties as directed by the Senior Porter and Estates Manager.
Person specification
The person appointed :
Essential requirements
Should be capable of working as an individual or as part of a team
Should be capable of working on his/her own initiative
must hold a driving licence and be willing to be trained to drive vans and minibuses
Should have an awareness of Health and Safety requirements and work within the Health and Safety Legislation
Must have good communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to deal with students, staff and the public
Should be adaptable and willing to support other teams
Terms and conditions
Salary on St Clare's scale for Administrative, Clerical and Library staff salary scales within the range of £17,099 - £19,723 per annum. Starting salary determined according to qualifications and previous experience with annual increments (subject to satisfactory performance) and annual cost of living increases. The St Clare's scale is related to similar national scales. The probationary period will be 6 months.
17 working days per year, plus bank holidays and the period at Christmas when the College is closed (24 December – 1 January inclusive). The College is open on bank holidays in May and August and work may be required on these days, with time off in lieu.
Pension: A contributory pension is offered through St Clare's group personal pension scheme. The employer pays double the contribution of the employee, up to a maximum of 10% of gross salary, ie. the employer pays up to 10%, and the employee pays up to 5%. Employee's contributions above 5% may be made, but do not attract a matching contribution from the employer.
Life Assurance: On commencement of service of employment you will be eligible to join the Group Life Assurance Plan, the benefit being a lump sum of 4 times salary.
Free meals: You are entitled to free meals in the College dining room, during the working periods on days during the academic year and major summer courses on which you are working and when meals are being served to students.
Further enquiries and applications
Please apply by short letter enclosing a full curriculum vitae to include names, telephone numbers of 2 referees to:
Les Allen, Estates Manager
St. Clare's, Oxford, 139 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7AL
Tel: +44 (0)1865 517368
Fax: +44 (0)1865 310002
Email: recruitment@stclares.ac.uk
Closing date for applications: Tuesday 5 February 2008
Appointments will be subject to enhanced CRB check and satisfactory references.
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