St. Clare's hosted the seventh annual IB Students' Conference this month. This year the theme of the conference was Africa.
250 students from 10 IB schools attended the international event. The aim of the conference was to challenge some of the common prejudices about Africa and to raise students' awareness of the continent.
Global issues are an integral part of the IB Diploma curriculum. The IB Students' Conference is very much an interactive experience. Students could choose from over 50 workshops on a wide range of topics and everyone was encouraged to take an active part in debate, discussion and possibly, argument!
A team of African students from the University of Oxford put together an impressive list of workshops. These included Peace-building in Africa, the transition to democracy in Southern Africa, HIV/AIDS research and its implications for Africa, economic development in Africa, the African Diaspora and understanding Africa through the media. Most discussions were led by Africans studying or working in the UK, including authors, researchers, journalists, musicians and artists.
Keith Allen, Deputy Principal, who co-ordinateed the event is passionate about the importance of ‘global awareness' among students today. ‘Too many of our generation have failed to understand the potential as well as the needs of Africa. Through this conference we are helping young people to look at the challenges and the opportunities afforded by the second largest continent and to appreciate the need for social justice for some of the poorest people in the world.'
Paula Holloway, Principal and Keith Allen, Deputy Principal,
with speakers and workshop leaders at the annual IBSCA conference |
