College news

Stage Fight

Both the Theatre Club and IB Theatre students have been very busy this month. Juliet Edmonds-Seal, an acting tutor and audition panellist from the prestigious Oxford School of Drama (you may have seen a recent alumna starring in the BBC's production of Little Dorrit over Christmas) spent two hours with our students in an intensive workshop on auditioning as a follow-up to Pam Jolley's very successful session last term. We were also lucky enough to spend a further two hours with the fight director Jeremy Barlow parrying, advancing and lunging with potentially deadly swords as we were introduced to the craft of stage fighting. A lot to learn in a short time but the students seemed to get the hang of it very quickly!

Future Theatre Club events include a visit from a Wayang Kulit specialist (Indonesian Shadow Puppetry) and a workshop led by actor Ben Jolley.

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