College news

Swine flu virus - college policy

St. Clare's takes the health concerns of parents very seriously. We are committed to providing a safe and caring environment for all our students both during the summer as well as throughout the academic year. Although there are many sources of information about Swine Flu, St. Clare's is basing its decisions on guidance issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as it provides expert information in a balanced and authoritative way.

This is what the World Health Organisation is currently saying:
  • The WHO does not recommend restrictions on regular travel and it has not recommended that borders are closed.
  • Anyone who is ill should delay international travel until they feel better.
  • Anyone who develops symptoms following international travel should see a nurse or doctor.
  • Individuals are advised to keep their hands clean and to wash them regularly and thoroughly with soap and water.
  • If you are away from home and have flu-like symptoms, see a nurse or doctor.

St. Clare's, unlike many schools which operate summer courses, employs a nurse for students at the college. She is in touch with the medical authorities in Oxford and is available to give advice to students on a daily basis.

In addition, the College has:
  • antiseptic hand-wash dispensers placed at strategic locations around the college; and
  • close links to a doctor's practice 200 yards from the main College building.

You should also know that:
  • Oxford has immediate access to one of the best University Teaching Hospitals in the country; and
  • the UK Government has very large stocks of anti-viral drugs should these be required.
All staff employed during the summer will have a special briefing by the College nurse so that they are able to spot early signs of the illness. St. Clare's will continue to monitor the situation as it develops and take any further steps if necessary.