College news

Enterprise Day

Forty St. Clare's Pre IB students were joined by 20 girls from nearby Wychwood School to work in teams of six. They were given different enterprise and work-based activities throughout the day which was co-ordinated by the Oxfordshire Education Business Partnership in liaison with the college's careers and higher education adviser, Liz Reece. Dressed smartly for work, and focusing on their skills and what employers want, students were supported by volunteer advisers from the business community. The keynote speaker, Claire Snowdon of Expat Knowhow inspired students as she explained her international career path leading to her becoming an entrepreneur who advises expats moving around the world. Keen to work with young people, she willingly gave up her time to talk to students and offer her advice.

Students had to identify their skills, relate them to work roles and to the job of an entrepreneur. They also had to work as teams in three activities, the last of which was to put in a bid to host the ‘sports personality of the year'. This required creativity, costing, menu planning, and the ability to make a team presentation that involved everyone.

Although most of these young people will not go into jobs until they have completed university education, this was an excellent insight into what adult life requires, and how they can improve their chances of success by developing appropriate skills for success in both university and work.

Students gave very positive feedback: I think it was a great experience, especially because you could gain practical knowledge, which you wouldn't get in a normal lesson. Also it was really nice to meet new people, and to talk about the differences from the schools.

The adults enjoyed the day too: Lyn Baldock, Oxfordshire Education Business Partnership manager said We thoroughly enjoyed the whole day - the students were wonderful and worked really hard, the hospitality we received was second to none - and we can't wait to return next year.