St. Clare's, Korea and Oxford Schools
24 teachers from Gwangju province, in South Korea, spent the whole of January at St. Clare's. They
had two fundamental aims: to explore teaching methods in the language classroom; and to gain first-hand
experience of life and culture in the UK.
Every day was packed with activities including ideas for teaching, study visits, lectures from outside
speakers, excursions and a range of cultural experiences.
Perhaps the highlight was the opportunity to visit some local schools. Grateful thanks to the headteachers
and staff from the following schools - Wolvercote, Edward Field, St. Aloysius, West Kidlington and Rye
St Antony. They welcomed the visiting Korean teachers into their classrooms, explained their educational
philosophies and shared in question and answer sessions.
The course was an exhilarating experience for all concerned – staff members at St. Clare's and participants
from Gwangju Metropolitan schools. Long may the relationship flourish!