College news

Oxfordshire Schools League Round Two

The boy's football team were defeated by Cherwell School in a very entertaining fixture in Round 2 of the Oxfordshire Schools league. The final score was 6 – 4. Bledar Noka opened the scoring with a wonderful chip over the keeper. Cherwell replied with three goals before half time. In the second half St. Clare's were dominating the exchanges but just could not find the net. The second half deadlock was broken with some persistent attacking from Daniel Galalae resulted in a mix up in the Cherwell defence. The heavy snow shower favoured the Cherwell boys and they added two more with a strong wind at their backs. However St. Clare's continued to chase every ball and Fernando Carvalho de Godoy Pereira scored the goal of the match. Bledar Noka added a fourth and the last ten minutes was very tense. The boys performed very well and were magnanimous in defeat.

The team included;
Chung Yin (Nicolas) Fan; (sub Soe Htet Aung ), Ridi Kotja; Matthieu Baudon;(sub Francesco Garosci), James Cavalot; Giulio Zuccoli; (Captain), Janez Kosec; Lodovico Castelli;(sub Lorenzo Botero) Bledar Noka; Fernando Carvalho de Godoy Pereira; Tito Gutierrez Daniel Galalae.

A special word of thanks goes to David Holman who trains the team every Wednesday.

The Round Three match takes place on Wednesday 10 November at Court Place Farm. Oxford
Academy will be the opposition.
