College news - girls football

Victory for the girls football team

St. Clare's Girls Football Team defeated Malvern School at a rain swept Court Place Farm. Our girls started really well despite the adverse weather conditions. Carole Muriithi, Emma Harvey, Hannah Woodfield and Laura Figueiredo Rivas Blanco formed a really organised defensive unit and the Malvern girls really struggled to get past this line. Maria Beatriz Coelho and Leonie Jung-Irrgang worked tirelessly in midfield and were well supported by Disha Banerjee-Bhattacharya and Madeleine de Brouchoven de Bergeyck (replaced by Paula Hepp). Malika Badloe and Sofia Franco Moraes Abreu tried to find gaps in the Malvern defence and both had some good chances to score. The deadlock was broken in the second half when Disha Banerjee-Bhattacharya shot past the keeper. Maria Beatriz Coelho added a second direct from a corner kick. Malvern did manage to put the ball past Natalia Morgan once but she had an outstanding game in goal.

The girls will represent St. Clare's, Oxford at the Independent Schools National six-a-side tournament at Bradfield College later this month.

The team on duty included;
Madeleine de Brouchoven de Bergeyck; Emma Harvey; Maria Beatriz Coelho; Leonie Jung-Irrgang; Natalia Morgan; Hannah Woodfield; Laura Figueiredo Rivas Blanco; Paula Hepp; Sofia Franco Moraes Abreu; Disha Banerjee-Bhattacharya; Carole Muriithi; Malika Badloe; Matthew Greenwood IB12 did a fine job refereeing the match as part of his CAS Service.

student photo

Many thanks to Tessa Ely and the Catering Team for looking after the Malvern Girls when they arrived at St. Clare's for the evening meal. Thank you also to Colin Ely who coaches the girls each week and organised the nets and flags on the hired pitch at Court Place Farm.

October 2010