College news - Xavier D Robles de Medina

Xavier D Robles de Medina

One of our recent graduates went on to study at the Savanah College of Art and Design (SCAD) and has recently been in touch with his art teacher, John Rolfe, bringing him up to date with his inspirations and work.

"I am so happy to hear from you! It is exactly a year and three weeks ago that I went to New York City to paint with Steven Assael ( ). The reason I went is because my life-drawing professor, Jesse Payne ( ), was invited to go to the one-week workshop. He wasn't able to go and approached me to take his place. It was really fantastic; I learned so much in terms of technique, but most importantly, about the mentality and life style of being a representational painter. Steven is extremely dedicated to his art; observing him and talking to him was amazing and marks a real turning point in my own mentality. Last year was a very good year for me, notably ending with winning two awards at the annual Honor's Show for first place Black and White Drawing and the Canson Drawing Award. I have attached the drawing that I won those awards with (see right). My blog is about my work and explains my methods/motivations.

My work:

I often feel a strong nostalgia for St.Clare's, in particular the art classes and working with you of course. I am still pursuing two bachelor degrees, but am leaning more and more towards eventually getting my masters in painting or fine art after SCAD. It seems apparent to my friends and professors, in both animation and painting that my strength and passion lies in fine art. It is funny that I've been in denial about this for the past two years, when you also told me to pursue painting".

October 2010

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