English for Examinations - getting the right qualification

Age: 17+ Level: Intermediate +
Oxford is the perfect place for study and St. Clare's has long experience of preparing for examination success.

IELTS is the most popular exam for St. Clare's students. It is the best way of testing your level in English and is widely used by universities in the UK and other countries as an entrance requirement. The test can be taken in Oxford every month and the results are available within three weeks. The Cambridge Examinations are also highly regarded. St. Clare's prepares stuident for the following levels:
  • PET - Preliminary English Test
  • FCE - First Certificate in English
  • CAE - Certificate in Advanced English
TOEFL and TOEIC examinations may be prepared in one-to-one lessons.

Monitoring progress

The following systems monitor and support your progress:
  • Setting goals: you choose the examination which is most appropriate for your level and your future career with the help of your teacher
  • After-class assignments: you complete homework tasks which extend your classroom learning
  • Regular tests: you take internal tests and coursework assignments to help decide on the date of your external examination
  • Careers advice: you meet our specialist Careers and Higher Education Adviser for independent advice on the best university for you.

The English for Examinations Course

This programme consists of 21 hours per week in small groups (maximum 12). Classes in the mornings focus on the background skills required for exam success. As a result, you develop greater accuracy and greater fluency in the use of English. Lessons incorporate the four skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as the building-blocks of the language, grammar and vocabulary.

Classes in the afternoons are based on practising the skills required for success in your chosen examination and include:
  • examination strategies
  • practice tests
  • speaking and listening tasks
  • 'against the clock' activities
  • tips from the examiners

Sample timetable: English for examinations
Lesson 1 Focus on accuracy Teacher 1
Lesson 2 Language development Teacher 1
Lesson 3 Focus on fluency Teacher 2
Lunch Meet friends in College dining room
Lesson 4 IELTS practice (Monday - Thursday) Teacher 3
Lesson 5 Strategies for examinations Adviser
Self-study Consolidation activities Adviser
Activities Join the the regular activities

Exam Combination

This programme consists of 20 hours per week: 15 in small groups (maximum 12) and 5 hours in private lessons (one-to-one). Classes in the mornings focus on the background skills required for exam success. As a result, you develop greater accuracy and greater fluency in the use of English. Lessons incorporate the four skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as the building-blocks of the language, grammar and vocabulary.

Classes in the afternoons are one-to-one with your teacher. This is an excellent way to focus specifically on making that extra progress - it may just make the difference! There's no better way to prepare for IELTS, or the Cambridge examinations (PET, FCE and CAE), or even the more specialist examinations like TOEIC and TOEFL.

Sample timetable: Exam Combination
Lesson 1 Focus on accuracy Teacher 1
Lesson 2 Language development Teacher 1
Lesson 3 Focus on fluency Teacher 2
Lunch Meet friends in College dining room
Individual tutorials One-to-one tutorials for 5 hours: special exam skills Teacher 3
Lesson 5 Self-study - consolidation activities Adviser
Activities Join the the regular activities

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