Venturing beyond the dreaming spires of Oxford
Adults students based at our Bardwell Road Centre take part in a wide variety of trips and excursions during their stay at St. Clare's. Their most recent trips have been visiting Brighton and Cambridge for a day and an evening trip to London to see a Premier Leagaue football match. Students have been lucky so far and have seen these famous towns in lovely sunny weather. FootballEight delighted students went to see Chelsea take on Wolves in The Capital One Cup on Tuesday. The thrilling score of 6-0 to Chelsea added to the excitement. Colombian fan Juan Pineda, finally saw his team, the champions of Europe, in action. Amazing!

Last weekend students ventured south to vibrant town of Brighton. First stop was the pier, then lunch in the town. Being such a trendy town there were endless choices of eateries; bijoux, gastro, traditional and English pubs.

As if Oxford was not beautiful enough students visited Cambridge, the "other" famous university town. Like Oxford, it too has ancient university colleges with wonderful medieval, tudor and Victorian buildings. Famous alumnae from Cambridge include Charles Darwin, Prince Edward, Samuel Pepys, CS Lewis and William Wilberforce.