Shooting Oxford
During the Oxford Open Doors weekend young people around the city got out their cameras to shoot Oxford from interesting angles for a photography competition run by Oxford Preservation Trust. We are delighted that first IB student, Marcella Montagnese won a prize with one of her photos. Professional photographer Mark Bassett chose her photos of the “People” and “Old and New” categories. The Oxford Preservation Trust staged the competition for 16- to 25-year-olds as part of the Oxford Open Doors event, where organisations across the city opened up their buildings to members of the public. Trust assistant director Jane Baldwin said the contest was being run because about 25 per cent of Open Doors visitors last year were under 25. She added: “We thought it would be a good idea to get young people taking photos of what they saw over the weekend under the categories industrial heritage, old and new, and people. There was a £50 prize for the winning photo in each category and the photos will be displayed in an exhibition at Oxford Castle. This is a great way of getting people involved in photography.” Marcella is interested in photography and is encouraged to explore and develop this discipline as part of her studies at St. Clare's. The Art Department offers Visual Arts, Music and Theatre as part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma course options.