An Introduction to Islam
First year IB students from St. Clare's and Year 11 and Sixth Form art students from neighbouring Abingdon School and Kingham Hill School recently enjoyed a unique insight into Islamic religion and culture with staff from the Ashmolean. A series of ‘Arabic Taster' sessions provided an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at rare 13th and 17th century Islamic artefacts followed by a practical workshop in which Rana Ibrahim, a trainee museum education officer, introduced students to the symbolism behind Islamic calligraphy. Inspired by a fascinating film of a master calligrapher at work, the students then had a go themselves before finishing their work back in the classroom. The full range of activities run by the Oxford University Museums can be found here in the Art Teachers' Newsletter. The photos show our students studying the artefacts and also the calligraphy they designed which is from the poem ‘Stand out of Respect for your Teacher'.