Oxford Town and Gown 10km race 2012
The St. Clare's Running Club enjoyed the May sunshine at the Oxford Town and Gown 10km road race in aid of the Muscular Dystrophy campaign. For a number of students this was their first experience of a 10km race. 2361 competitors crossed the finish line. The winning time was a new course record of 29 minutes and 27 seconds. Cora Neumann: 1 hour 2 minutes finishing in 1775 positionSophie Spies: 59 minutes finishing in 1554 position
Sairah Rees: 1 hour finishing in 1652 position
Christian Holper: 47minutes 51 seconds finishing in 518 position
Max Paulus: 44m: 45seconds finishing in 308 position
Rokas Augunas: 44m: 50 seconds finishing in 312 position
Kevin Hennessy: 39m: 47 seconds finishing in 99 position
Vicky Hahn: 55m: 17 seconds finishing in 1178 position
Rob Barker: 1 hour 6 minutes finishing in 2009 position