College news

Model United Nations

Nearly 300 St. Clare's staff and students participated in the St. Clare's Model United Nations conference hosted at the Oxford Town Hall. Each student was assigned a country to represent in one of six committees debating some of our world's greatest social, economic and political crises. Some commendable results were achieved, in the form of resolutions being passed and students getting passionately involved in arguing the viewpoint of their chosen countries.

The day was organised by a group consisted of around 30 students plus two members of staff, History teachers, Andrew Young and David Staton. The day was a great success – well done to all those who took part.

As an international school offering the challenging IB Dipolma, this event is the perfect opportunity for our students to investigate the problems the populations of the world are facing and discuss global issues. Each year more than 400,000 students, from primary school to university, participate worldwide in Model UN conferences. More details about the Model United Nations can be found at the official UN website.

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