College news

Lectures, tours and pickled animals

Our first year IB biology students went on a visit to the Oxford University Natural History Museum for a series of lectures relating to cells and evolution and a tour of the museum's fascinating collections.

Professor Ilian Davis, from the Department of Biochemistry at Oxford University, talked about the role that cells play in the bodies of organisms and their structure. A second lecture was given by Professor Robert MacLaren who talked about the two methods used to help blind people regain at least some of their eyesight; gene therapy and electronic implants. Another lecture by Professor Liam Dolan discussed the evolution of different plant species.

Students then went on a tour of amazing discoveries. They saw reptiles, mammals, and fish that were over 100 years old, the fifth largest collection of shrimp in the world, and even pickled animals! There was also a chance to meet Oxford University students from various biology departments and take a look under the microscope too.

IB biology student, Sarah Lathrop, said: “We played a photosynthesis game, viewed fruit flies and mitosis of an animal cell under the microscope and found out why genetically modified tomatoes are important. All in all it was a very interesting day”.

St. Clare's, Oxford - visit to the University of Oxford Natural History Museum
