Theatre trip to Shaftesbury Avenue
Our first and second year IB Theatre students had an exciting trip to London's famous Shaftesbury Avenue to watch Mark Rylance's all-male production of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night at London's Apollo Theatre. The comedy, about mistaken identity and unrequited love, stars Stephen Fry as Malvolio and Rylance as Olivia. The students are all studying Shakespeare as part of their ‘theatres in the world' module - part of the IB Diploma Theatre course. Naz Buhsem, a first year theatre student, said “I talked to Stephen Fry! I had to hold my tears back to not to cry, it was a once in a lifetime experience”. Paula Schalke, another first year IB Theatre student added, “It was an exhilarating experience to be so close to such world renowned actors.” Vicky Watson, Theatre Co-ordinator, said: “This was one of the most exciting theatre trips that St. Clare's students have ever been on (and not just because Sir Paul McCartney was in the box next to us). We had what were, quite simply, the best seats in the house and were amongst the lucky few who had seats on the stage!”