Baroness Susan Greenfield talks about 'Mind Change in the 21st Century', at St. Clare's

We were delighted to welcome Baroness Susan Greenfield, CBE, HonFRCP to St. Clare's earlier this week. Britain's most prominent female scientist is Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Pharmacology at Lincoln College, Oxford where she researches on brain physiology, particularly Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. She is also a member of the House of Lords.

Baroness Greenfield gave an excellent talk about 'Mind Change in the 21st Century' to a Hall packed with students and staff. Used to some students with short attention spans tweeting during her lectures, Baroness Greenfield was impressed with the concentration of our students (perhaps not yet impacted by over-use of social media and computer games) and the quality of their questions which followed her talk.​

Baroness Susan Greenfield talks at St. Clare's, Oxford