Adult Accommodation

St Clare's is a residential college so we are able to offer students the choice of living in one of our 5 houses or in a carefully selected homestay with a local host.

Residential students can choose a single room or a twin room where they share with another student. A House Manager is resident in each house. Students can make meals in their own houses or eat lunch in college from Monday to Friday.

Close to the International College campus is North Parade, a charming, narrow street with cafés, pubs, restaurants, convenience shops and art galleries.

We know that students who come to St Clare's value the opportunity to live in a college community where they can live and socialise and make friends with students from around the world.

Some students choose to live in homestay with a local host. This choice gives students the opportunity to discover a different side of living in Oxford; they eat meals with their host each day and are able to learn more about life in the UK.

St Clares Oxford - homestay accommodation in Oxford St Clares Oxford - homestay accommodation in Oxford

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