Congratulations to our Young Oxfordshire Scientists of the Year
The scientific achievements of three IB14 students were celebrated last night in an entertaining ceremony at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. Hosted by Science Oxford with support from the Nuffield Department of Medicine, Rutherford Appleton Labs and the Society of the Chemical Industry the event recognised the talent of exceptional students studying science in all of the County’s schools.
Our winners Sofija Stefanovic (Chemistry), Hannah Gibbs (Biology) and Carlotta Riganti (Physics) enjoyed the canapé reception within this historic building before hearing a keynote presentation given by Professor Fiona Powrie who won the 2012 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine for her work on gastroenterology; much food for thought!
There were also contributions from a number of young researchers, apprentices and other representatives of the physical sciences to inspire the future careers of our winning student scientists.