Model United Nations

Yesterday our Pre-IB, first year and second year IB students all attended the 6th Model United Nations event which took place at Oxford Town Hall. 

Dressed for the occasion, the students gathered outside our IB campus at 8.30am and walked together into Oxford's city centre.

St. Clare's IB students ready for the 6th MUN event

IB students at the Model United Nations event IB students ready for their MUN event

Model United Nations Event at St. Clare's, Oxford

Second year IB student Josh Hammond, who was acting as Secretary General, gave a memorable opening speech to begin the day's events. Then all of the students were involved in the first debate, which was on the topic of abortion. 

Following this, the students were split into committees and broke away into separate rooms for more debates and discussions. The committee groups and their topics were as follows: 

  • Economic and Financial Committee: What regulations, if any, should multinational companies follow in the global market?
  • Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee: Should there be an International Convention on the regulation of corporal punishment?
  • Counter-Terrorism Committee: Should Drone Warfare be regulated?
  • Environmental Committee: How should the International Community manage energy resources in the 21st Century?
  • Crisis Committee: How should the International Community deal with the current Syrian Crisis?
  • Human Rights Committee: Should George W. Bush be sent to trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC)?

Debates at St. Clare's MUN event

Student debates at our IB MUN event Committee debates

St. Clare's students debate at MUN

After lunch, the groups were tasked with further resolution writing, debating and voting in their committee groups. All of the students then gathered again in the main hall for the closing remarks and awards ceremony. Here, the Chair from each committee nominated two members of their group to be presented with awards. 

The 6th Model United nations was a fantastic event, enjoyed by all of our IB students who participated.

St. Clare's IB students at Model United Nations event in Oxford Town HallSt. Clare's 6th MUN event

Model United Nations at St. Clare's, Oxford