A Trip to Marrakech

Last month, our Bardwell students enjoyed a trip to Marrakech. Upon arrival at their beautiful Riad in the heart of Medina, the group were treated to tea and cakes, before making their way to Djemaa el-fns with its open air kitchens for dinner.

The next morning, the group went on a walking tour with guide Aziz. The tour began at the Koutoubia Mosque and continued to the magnificently decorated Saadian Tombs. These were once hidden from intrusive eyes and were originally the privileged burial place of the sheriff, the descendants of the Prophet Mohammed. 

Next stop was the ruins of Palais El – Badi, this was once one of the finest palaces in the world, now it is home to storks and very little remains of this splendid place. From here Aziz took the group to the spice market to learn about different plants, spices and herbs and it was soon time for lunch. Later there was just enough time to wander around the souks. 

The next morning, another hot sunny day, the students took a trip to The Palmeraie, a magnificent palm grove outside the city with outlandish architectural creations. The highlight was a two hour camel ride with views of the Atlas Mountains in the background, followed by mint tea and crepes. 

Back in the old city, there was just enough time for some last minute shopping in the souks and more mint tea before heading to the airport. For all of the group, this was a very special trip.

Our Bardwell students visit Marrakech

St. Clare's students in Marrakech Visiting Marrakech

Camel rides in Marrakech - St. Clare's, Oxford

St. Clare's students pose with a camel in Marrakech