St. Clare's Scholarship Day

Last Saturday, we held an IB Scholarship Day at St. Clare's, Oxford. This was also a wonderful opportunity for prospective students and their parents to enjoy a tour of the College and find out more about the IB Diploma Course. 

There were a number of IB Scholarship students on hand throughout the day, helping to direct parents and students to where they needed to be and answering their questions about the College.

Over 30 applicants and their parents attended. As well as a number of British students, other applicants had travelled from as far away as Uruguay, Colombia, Panama and Nigeria as well as various European countries. Scholarship Day involved each applicant having three interviews, two hours of written exams and a group exercise. 

Scholarship days are a great chance for the College to widen participation on the IB Diploma course to students who may not have the opportunity to study at St. Clare's were it not for the scholarship programme. To find out more, please visit our Scholarships and Bursaries page.